Thursday, May 15, 2014

Long time no post!

Hey lovelies!
I realized a few days ago that I hadn't posted anything on this blog in a pretty long time. I've been meaning to post, but this whole doing almost nothing-thing during the week distracts me and I forget to do things I said I would. Anyway, now I'm posting! SO YAY.

To start: Classes
I hardcore struggled this semester. Like, really. I don't know if it was distractions from my family (with my Grandad dying and all that), or maybe the nearly constant migraines, but whatever caused the struggle bus to stop at my house better stay away next year. My overall GPA can't handle grades like the ones I got this year. It's not bad enough to kick me out of SAI, thank God, but with another set of grades like this, it will. I had to quit Active Minds, which is a group that works to fight the stigmas associated with mental illness. I'm sad I had to quit, but I needed to cut down on my social life activities, and in SUMTA and SAI I have Exec. Board positions, so they need me more. I will cut more out if I have to, but I'm hoping that starting the semester with tutors for the subjects I know I struggle with will help keep my grades from crying. I'm scared though, because I've never had grades so low that I was worried I wouldn't pass multiple classes.

So there's that.

Next: Summer Plans
Well, I am staying in Winchester in my house. That's basically it, other then nannying. One family I babysit for lives in Winchester like 10 minutes from my house, but the other lives in Upperville like 45 minutes from my house. It sucks that they live so far away because I use up about a quarter of a tank with one visit to them and back. So I spend half as much money as I make during the weekend. :/ Luckily they pay me $10 an hour, plus $5 for gas an hour. So $15 an hour makes the drive almost worth it. I babysit for them on Fri/Sat/Sun and during the week when the mom needs me to come with her to horseback riding competitions and watch her kid there. I haven't done that yet, but I'm super excited to go with her because she said she would pay me extra for traveling with them. It's hard to be an adult….I'm discovering more and more that I'm not a kid anymore, and I don't entirely enjoy it yet.

Third: Personal Life
Here goes…..I have a boyfriend! An ACTUAL boyfriend!! Not a semi-boyfriend like Danyerd….f****** Danyerd. LOL. But, he is the most wonderful. I have never had a man treat me the way he does. He is a 23 year old trumpet performance grad student. We were set up by a sister of SAI who was friends with him. She told me he was shy until you got to know him, and boy was she right! Our first date was only awkward for the first 10 minutes, and then we kicked it off and talked for almost 3 hours! Which in itself was amazing. Because usually I run away at the sign of being left alone with a boy. But from the beginning he was different. He treats me like his queen and we've only been on 4(?) dates. To give you an example of the way he talks to me- we are going stargazing next week, and when we were talking about the details of what we wanted to do he said to me "But you are proof that not all the stars are in the sky. ". I almost died of blushing….if that's even a thing. And that's not the only time he has said that sort of thing to me. It's so cute hehe. The only thing is that he told me last weekend that his dad has terminal cancer, newly diagnosed, and he doesn't know if he'll have to miss a semester of school or not to help his mom out at home. So, I'm worried about that but trying to stay positive for him.

And this: I miss you guys
Like crazy. I wish we were all closer (in distance) so we could hang out like we used to. Only a couple of my friends are here for the summer and it makes me pretty lonely on days when I don't babysit. Winchester is a really dull place when you don't have people to spend time with…We should have a Skype date sometime :) or Oovoo or whatever you all use now haha.
I'm glad we decided to start this thingy on here cause this post gave me a good chance to vent out some things. I have a lot more on my mind 24/7, but I have enough of a migraine as I type this, and dredging up the rest of the shit would be more detrimental then helpful. Anyways, I love you guys and I can't wait for the next post!
<3 <3