Friday, June 13, 2014

Turn down for h'wat?

Summer school:
dumb. There should never be homework in summer. It just goes against nature.

Personal life:
I really have none to speak of. I literally just tumble and watch netflix if I'm not at work.
I never text anyone and no one ever texts me, sooooo, no socializing.
I've become a hermit, at the age of 21. New record.
Update: I've hung out with people and made plans to see people more in this 2 week span than I had last semester. YAY social interaction. Going to need all the naps.

Still looking for nurse-type jobs while working at the sub shop. We got a new manager, he's really nice, but wants us to be working 24/7 - no goofing off, nothing that isn't cleaning or making sandwiches. The only way you can keep from going insane here is to have playful banter, make fun of each other and the like.  I understand we need to get work done, but sometimes there is literally nothing for us to do because we've done it all already, but he finds things for us to do, like, wash the walls, or ceiling tiles. yup. I'll be crazy by summer's end if either he doesn't lighten up or I don't find a nursing job.
Update: he's actually pretty cool, I think he was such a tight wad because our owner was hanging around.

She got a job at a summer camp about an hour from here, so she comes home on weekends sometimes. I have been suck with her pets. The dog never stops shedding, I literally have to vacuum every hour unless I want to coat the inside of my lungs with fur. He doesn't like the food she told me to buy him, so I have to mix stuff he will eat to get him to eat any of it.
 The cat, you don't even want to get me started on the cat. She's in heat or something so doesn't stop meowing ever. All day erry day- for 3 weeks. She sometimes literally meows so much she makes herself hoarse. She also apparently likes to shit and pee on my roommates bed, so that's great.

Summer time:
I don't know what to do for my birthday, it's a Tuesday and most of everyone won't be in Clemson around then, so I'll probably just treat myself to a pedicure and take myself out to dinner (take out of course, I'm not going to sit in a restaurant alone on my birthday like a loser).
My parents will be coming down in August and we'll be taking a trip to Charleston for a few days. That'll be my only actual vacation this year. But it'll be wonderful!

ALX'S WEDDING - I. AM. EXCITE. For Alx's happiness and to see all of you!
Wondering, I thought non-Mormons were not allowed to enter Mormon temples?

I really do miss y'all, we can google video chat - that allows all of us to see each other at once!

Mucho love! xoxo