Friday, June 13, 2014

Turn down for h'wat?

Summer school:
dumb. There should never be homework in summer. It just goes against nature.

Personal life:
I really have none to speak of. I literally just tumble and watch netflix if I'm not at work.
I never text anyone and no one ever texts me, sooooo, no socializing.
I've become a hermit, at the age of 21. New record.
Update: I've hung out with people and made plans to see people more in this 2 week span than I had last semester. YAY social interaction. Going to need all the naps.

Still looking for nurse-type jobs while working at the sub shop. We got a new manager, he's really nice, but wants us to be working 24/7 - no goofing off, nothing that isn't cleaning or making sandwiches. The only way you can keep from going insane here is to have playful banter, make fun of each other and the like.  I understand we need to get work done, but sometimes there is literally nothing for us to do because we've done it all already, but he finds things for us to do, like, wash the walls, or ceiling tiles. yup. I'll be crazy by summer's end if either he doesn't lighten up or I don't find a nursing job.
Update: he's actually pretty cool, I think he was such a tight wad because our owner was hanging around.

She got a job at a summer camp about an hour from here, so she comes home on weekends sometimes. I have been suck with her pets. The dog never stops shedding, I literally have to vacuum every hour unless I want to coat the inside of my lungs with fur. He doesn't like the food she told me to buy him, so I have to mix stuff he will eat to get him to eat any of it.
 The cat, you don't even want to get me started on the cat. She's in heat or something so doesn't stop meowing ever. All day erry day- for 3 weeks. She sometimes literally meows so much she makes herself hoarse. She also apparently likes to shit and pee on my roommates bed, so that's great.

Summer time:
I don't know what to do for my birthday, it's a Tuesday and most of everyone won't be in Clemson around then, so I'll probably just treat myself to a pedicure and take myself out to dinner (take out of course, I'm not going to sit in a restaurant alone on my birthday like a loser).
My parents will be coming down in August and we'll be taking a trip to Charleston for a few days. That'll be my only actual vacation this year. But it'll be wonderful!

ALX'S WEDDING - I. AM. EXCITE. For Alx's happiness and to see all of you!
Wondering, I thought non-Mormons were not allowed to enter Mormon temples?

I really do miss y'all, we can google video chat - that allows all of us to see each other at once!

Mucho love! xoxo

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Long time no post!

Hey lovelies!
I realized a few days ago that I hadn't posted anything on this blog in a pretty long time. I've been meaning to post, but this whole doing almost nothing-thing during the week distracts me and I forget to do things I said I would. Anyway, now I'm posting! SO YAY.

To start: Classes
I hardcore struggled this semester. Like, really. I don't know if it was distractions from my family (with my Grandad dying and all that), or maybe the nearly constant migraines, but whatever caused the struggle bus to stop at my house better stay away next year. My overall GPA can't handle grades like the ones I got this year. It's not bad enough to kick me out of SAI, thank God, but with another set of grades like this, it will. I had to quit Active Minds, which is a group that works to fight the stigmas associated with mental illness. I'm sad I had to quit, but I needed to cut down on my social life activities, and in SUMTA and SAI I have Exec. Board positions, so they need me more. I will cut more out if I have to, but I'm hoping that starting the semester with tutors for the subjects I know I struggle with will help keep my grades from crying. I'm scared though, because I've never had grades so low that I was worried I wouldn't pass multiple classes.

So there's that.

Next: Summer Plans
Well, I am staying in Winchester in my house. That's basically it, other then nannying. One family I babysit for lives in Winchester like 10 minutes from my house, but the other lives in Upperville like 45 minutes from my house. It sucks that they live so far away because I use up about a quarter of a tank with one visit to them and back. So I spend half as much money as I make during the weekend. :/ Luckily they pay me $10 an hour, plus $5 for gas an hour. So $15 an hour makes the drive almost worth it. I babysit for them on Fri/Sat/Sun and during the week when the mom needs me to come with her to horseback riding competitions and watch her kid there. I haven't done that yet, but I'm super excited to go with her because she said she would pay me extra for traveling with them. It's hard to be an adult….I'm discovering more and more that I'm not a kid anymore, and I don't entirely enjoy it yet.

Third: Personal Life
Here goes…..I have a boyfriend! An ACTUAL boyfriend!! Not a semi-boyfriend like Danyerd….f****** Danyerd. LOL. But, he is the most wonderful. I have never had a man treat me the way he does. He is a 23 year old trumpet performance grad student. We were set up by a sister of SAI who was friends with him. She told me he was shy until you got to know him, and boy was she right! Our first date was only awkward for the first 10 minutes, and then we kicked it off and talked for almost 3 hours! Which in itself was amazing. Because usually I run away at the sign of being left alone with a boy. But from the beginning he was different. He treats me like his queen and we've only been on 4(?) dates. To give you an example of the way he talks to me- we are going stargazing next week, and when we were talking about the details of what we wanted to do he said to me "But you are proof that not all the stars are in the sky. ". I almost died of blushing….if that's even a thing. And that's not the only time he has said that sort of thing to me. It's so cute hehe. The only thing is that he told me last weekend that his dad has terminal cancer, newly diagnosed, and he doesn't know if he'll have to miss a semester of school or not to help his mom out at home. So, I'm worried about that but trying to stay positive for him.

And this: I miss you guys
Like crazy. I wish we were all closer (in distance) so we could hang out like we used to. Only a couple of my friends are here for the summer and it makes me pretty lonely on days when I don't babysit. Winchester is a really dull place when you don't have people to spend time with…We should have a Skype date sometime :) or Oovoo or whatever you all use now haha.
I'm glad we decided to start this thingy on here cause this post gave me a good chance to vent out some things. I have a lot more on my mind 24/7, but I have enough of a migraine as I type this, and dredging up the rest of the shit would be more detrimental then helpful. Anyways, I love you guys and I can't wait for the next post!
<3 <3

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Allison Update 4/13/14

 My Spring Break - pretty miserable, it was freezing and/or raining the entire time I was at the beach. So we were stuck inside a lot. The group I went with all love video games, which, I actually kind-of hate. I'm either playing, sucking at it and getting frustrated and anxious, or watching others and that's painfully boring. I was only there for 4 days and the day I had to head back to Clemmy, it was going to be 80 degrees and sunny. My luck right? but I had to get back to work.

My job at the name-less sub shop has been treating me pretty well, I do want to find another (possibly higher paying) job soon-ish; but it's not a top priority at the moment. If I do find one I hope for it to be at least slightly nursing related. I also want a job that won't require me to work GameDays (at least not all of them). First football season not doing marching band in 8 years, I want to be able to enjoy college life while it's still acceptable for my age. (P.s. Mr. H was apparently at my house today...needed cables and chatted with my dad....)

Still working on applying to the Nursing program. Won't hear form them until June. Taking Summer classes: Micro Bio, and Anatomy 2. Got all the classes and times I wanted, yay! Still don't know what field I want to go into. straight up strugglin'.  I feel that I was made to be a nurse though, you know? Like, out of the classes I'm taking this semester, I'm doing the best in my Anatomy I'm really glad I switched.

Now onto personal life:

I really miss you guys. I also think that I need to find a new local group of friends. They're pretty much all completely self-serving. Like, I don't even know. They just don't care about anyone else but them. And I'm too passive to let them know that I'm upset, so it's just not a good combination. Even my roommate forgets everything I tell her, and a lot of my friends always change the subject to their own problems. whatever.

I sometimes feel as though I too have been suffering from severe sadness (maybe not depression, but I've been getting these moods of anxiety, sadness, extremely low self-esteem, feeling ugly and fat, useless....), I feel as though I should maybe go see someone about it, but then I just think that others have worse problems than me. I feel as though I'm just complaining most of the time and bothering other people, they really don't need to hear my problems. I don't want to go into too much detail on line. but, just felt like at least some of my friends should know. I have only spoken to one of my friends from down here about it, and it seems we both have the same shit going on, so that's been really helpful. But, we don't hang out too much so I don't get to rant everything out with her often. I haven't talked about this with the people I thought I considered to be my "closest" Clemson friends, I just don't think they'd understand, or care. I don't know.

I haven't been sleeping well,  eating well or exercising anymore because of classes and the low moods. A.k.a. staying up until 3am, saying "fuck it" and eating an entire gallon of ice cream, cookies, gummy bears and anything else I can get my hands on. Hopefully with the semester being over soon I can get back on track. and maybe if I can get my body into some form of shape my mood will improve. maybe i'll start tennis back up? cross your fingers!

Back to some lighter side stuff:
I'm thinking of doing the Disney College Program at some point. Also, whenever I finally graduate, I want to do one of those nurses-without-borders things, travel the globe and nurse in different countries, then come back and work in a hospital a while, and then eventually work as a park nurse for Disney (maybe my retirement years). I'm also trying to become a bit more in-tune with Judaism, practice a bit more often; I still keep kosher though! Which in the south is a pretty big deal.

 Love you all! Miss you all!

Congrats To Sushii! Like, engaged? What?!? No, but I'm so happy for you!
 and Giggles! Graduating on time?! No one does that these days!

Thursday, April 10, 2014


What is everyone's plans for summer? Are you going to be in Vienna at any point in time?

I'm working the US Open again this year, so I'll be in North Carolina for almost a month. After that, I'm trying to finish up my language requirement over the summer and make some money. So I'm not sure if I'll be doing that in NOVA or fredericksburg.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Elise Update 3/16/14



Hello pretty people. I'm making this more of a journal entry rather than starting a new thread. It's just a bit easier to update you all on multiple things at once!

Can I just say how much I hate class registration? It hasn't even started and i'm anxious. It's such a pain. I had a conversation with my advisor a couple of days ago, so my estimated graduation date is Spring 2016. Not too shabby.

To answer your question Sarah and Allison, I think i've narrowed down my study abroad options to Japan or Ireland. But of course I still want to study in about 12 other different places. Hopefully next spring, or my senior fall semester i'll be able to study abroad.

Spring Break was good, I worked for a few days, then sat on the couch for a few days. The relaxation was nice. I hope you all have fun plans for your breaks! I still don't know why ours was so early this year...

As for summer, I am officially working the U.S. Open again this year. 3 weeks in Pinehurst, North Carolina with minimal sleep. I loved the experience from last year though. Plus, my boss just hired a guy who will be there with us for a majority of the time and he IS SO HOT. Recent graduate from Boston University, and eyes like the afternoon sky. I can dig it. I can't go back to camp this year though because the Open is so long. So i'll probably be working a minimum wage job for the rest of the summer. Probably the dreaded Glory Days. If you're around, come visit!! And then hopefully i'll be able to do a little vacation time. I'm taking my mom to New York for a couple days as a late birthday present, and we might do a week at the beach. Or as I like to call, 50 Shades of Red.

Speaking of sunburn, I look like a tomato after yesterday's rugby game. Rugby is a bit of a struggle this semester. We've had about 95% of our games and practices cancelled this past month because of the snow, but we finally had a good Saturday. 65, sunny, and you can tell because of my cheeks. I scored TWICE in our game yesterday! That's such a big deal because 1. i've never scored before, 2. forwards (my position) don't score that often. My coach finally played me in a position I had been asking to play for over a month, and i'm very happy he did. I did fall on my face though...but, after a nap and a few beers, I felt fine.

My depression is getting better. I don't know if i've officially told you all that I have been suffering from depression for the past couple of years. I'll have small episodes for a couple of weeks at a time, but it seems to be getting better. I've been trying to go out more, ask for help when I need it, and it always helps when stressful things get sorted. My biggest stressor for the past month or so, is finding a place to live next year, but that's finally cleared up. WOO! I also had IHOP this morning, and a happy tummy is a happy Elise.

Miss you and love you all! Hope your spring break was fabulous and I hope I can see you all sometime this summer! XOXO

Sunday, March 9, 2014

CNA Exam

I PASSED! I am a Certified Nursing Assistant!

I can start looking for jobs in my field!! I'm so excited!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Significant others?

Just wondering about y'alls relationships, almost-relationships, prospective suitors?

I almost got back together with this guy I've been dating off and on since Freshman year this summer, but nada.  And I may have a possible suitor, but I'm not sure. And even if he does have feelings for me, I'm not sure if I return those feelings or not, and I don't want to risk ruining our friendship. bleh.

So close to giving up on dating until I'm done with all of my schooling.

Give me the dirt!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Let's start at the very beginning!
How is everyone doing? What is the current path of study and/or where are you in terms of graduation, and how has the year been going so far? What kinds of things are you doing for extra-curriculars? And most importantly, WHY HAVEN'T WE STARTED THIS UNTIL NOW?
Love you all, and can't wait to start keeping in touch more <3