Sunday, March 2, 2014

Let's start at the very beginning!
How is everyone doing? What is the current path of study and/or where are you in terms of graduation, and how has the year been going so far? What kinds of things are you doing for extra-curriculars? And most importantly, WHY HAVEN'T WE STARTED THIS UNTIL NOW?
Love you all, and can't wait to start keeping in touch more <3


  1. I'm going to be in school forever. I changed majors about a year ago to Nursing. So, I'm at a technical college right now, hoping to go back to clemson for Bachelors and (hopefully) eventually PhD. But, I have at least another 3/4 years for the Bachelors. But I LOVE nursing so far! This year is going okay, I'm doing the best in my hardest class, I don't even know. I'm actually taking the CNA exam this Saturday and I'm FREAKING OUT. But once it's over there's a bar crawl going on downtown so whether I pass or fail I'll be drinking afterwards :P

    I've moved to Alumni status in KKPsi and this past season was my last season of marching band ever. :'(

    I have a job at Firehouse Subs, it's okay, the people I work with are nice and make it bearable.


    Let me just say, thank you Allison for this idea. Thank you Sarah for setting this up. <3 <3 <3

    Currently, I am a sophomore. Yup, that is correct. So Sarah, I will probably be graduating the same year as you. I'm not too upset by it, aside from the fact that there are a few people I know that will be judgmental about it. But since I have an extra year, I'll be able to do a semester abroad. Woohoo! I'm studying Sociology, and i'm still trying to be a guidance counselor eventually. This semester is just barely halfway done and it's miserable. I decided to take all my hardest classes in the same semester, so i'm a dumb-dumb. But i'm also living with four girls I don't know, so I just feel kind of secluded and awkward in the house a lot. I'm still playing rugby, but basically everything since the start of the season has been cancelled due to snow. The only game that we've had so far, I injured myself. It's been a rough semester for me. :P

    But i'm just trying to get through it and focus on what's happening this summer. I'm really looking forward to it. And then i'll remind myself to spread out the hard classes in the upcoming semesters. I'm hoping I can audition for our orchestra next year. I miss French Horn so much. It was a great distraction from nonsense.

    No job, no unnecessary drama, no gentleman caller.


    1. I'm technically a sophomore as well, by credits. switching majors that have basically no carry-over credits.

      Where are you studying abroad??

  3. I am so beyond ecstatic that this is actually happening; I've missed you all so much!
    Sounds like you 2 at least are doing quite well as of now! Which is great to hear :)

    Elise, where are you going to study abroad??? I was given that opportunity as well, but will not be taking advantage of it until after I graduate. I can't afford to ditch school in the middle of my under-grad cause my schedule is so set as a music therapy major that if I were to go away and come back, I would lose my scholarship and be at least a semester behind. And at this rate, my family couldn't afford that. Lol….Stupid college tuition.

    Allison, how did your exam go?! I bet you did great :D

    I am struggling to stay focused currently for multiple reasons that include having lost my Grandad a couple weeks ago, and the fact that I'm leaving for Costa Rica on Thursday night, as well as not having my ferret here with me cause she's at home with my family. My brain has been a big fluttery mess of thoughts and craziness. But I AM over a year self-harm free now, so that's worth something I suppose.

    I'm sitting in the sun as I type this, and my face is getting super warm and toasty. 'Tis loverly. But a janitor lady just walked by me and said to her friend "Ballsack, it's cold…" she's at least 60 years old.

    I have so much to catch up on in terms of school work before I leave for my trip, cause I'm not taking my laptop with me and won't have the same access to internet and blackboard and all that jizz while I'm away, giving me an entire day less then everyone else has to have things turned in by the end of the week. SUPER STRESSED. But let's face it, I'm getting really good at being stressed. The whole cry yourself to sleep thing, I've got that one covered. LAWLS.

    Anywhoozle, I love you ladies <3

    1. My exam is on Saturday, so I hope I do well :]

      So proud of you for being 1 year strong! <3

      Costa Rica!! lucky!

  4. Life for me is insane as per know how I am with never allowing myself time to breathe. This year has been full of exciting things for me, tons of schoolwork, an internship, work and so many amazing opportunities in my ensembles.

    Last semester I took 21 credits with 3 ensembles and a bunch of other work, but it was totally worth it! I got to take a class about the genetics of cancer which I totally geeked out in every day. Other than that, I got to play in the macys parade with marching band which was awesome and now I'm done with marching band forever too :(
    Now, I have a much lighter course load but I am working 10 hours a week at my internship at a biotech company. I'm applying to big girl jobs (eek, scary!) now, and I have gotten replies from two positions so far, both in Maryland. I also auditioned for our choral department and got into our masterworks choir so I get to sing Carmina Burana next Tuesday with choir and our symphony orchestra...SO EXCITED. Other than that I'm just dreading graduation and becoming a real member of society. I miss you guys!
