Monday, March 3, 2014

Significant others?

Just wondering about y'alls relationships, almost-relationships, prospective suitors?

I almost got back together with this guy I've been dating off and on since Freshman year this summer, but nada.  And I may have a possible suitor, but I'm not sure. And even if he does have feelings for me, I'm not sure if I return those feelings or not, and I don't want to risk ruining our friendship. bleh.

So close to giving up on dating until I'm done with all of my schooling.

Give me the dirt!


  1. I am all about the drama, man. I have been having enough trouble with dating and perspective suitors that I am considering never having a relationship with anyone but Zelda. This guy last year stalked me and was out to get my "v-card", and it got bad enough that I told the school about it and turns out he was being prosecuted for rape anyway….sooo there was that.
    And then, there was another guy who apparently liked me but told me it wasn't enough to want to date me and he told me he didn't want a relationship with anyone because he is graduating in the spring. But then he goes ahead and starts to date one of my friends. This one is also accused with rape, and everyone knows about it, but the girl he decided to go out with is a freshman and hadn't heard about all the crap he's done to girls, and so I tried to tell her to protect her (not in a way that shouted "DON'T DATE HIM HE'S BAD", just in a "if you're going to date him, here's something you should know…" way) and he turned it around and told me I would never find anyone to go out with because I'm too messed up and stupid for anyone to like me. And that this girl wasn't really my friend and they both hated me, of course it wasn't true, but still, it really hurt. So, that's the last time anything got drama-lishes. Now, I have another possible dude, and this one is quite normal! Surprisingly. Hehe, I just am taking it super slow cause I'm scared I found another bad egg. But we'll see. Drama is dumb, and apparently there are still people immature enough to be in high school, even in college. WOMP.

    1. Sweetheart, I am so sorry to hear about all of this! To hell with boys! you have us! <3

    2. Juney, give me his name, address, SS#, anything and I will annihilate him. And I completely agree with Allison: YOU HAVE US!! (:

  2. I really haven't dealt with any boys since my freshman year at ODU. Not even significant crushes. Haha. I guess the 70/30 girl to guy ratio at Mary Wash is a pretty significant factor. I made out with another counselor last summer, and my co-worker from Glory Days asked me out on a date, but that's about it. Oh, but that co-worker is 35. So I politely declined. But, I am working the US Open again this year, and I met the guy that i'll be working with the most, and HE IS SO HOT. I'm not quite sure how i'm supposed to focus when he's around. I still don't actually know how to talk to dreamy guys. It's a problem.

    1. US Open guy -- PICTURES :P

      I really have no idea how to talk with boys whether hot or not

  3. Ooh ;) you guys are more fun than me! I've had a boyfriend for almost two months. His name is Tony, he's an engineering major at JMU (silly...our engineering program isn't great but I would never tell him that) and he is from India. He's a sweetheart, but I'm his first girlfriend and things are pretty plain so far. He does love to cook though which is awesome because I'm hopeless in the kitchen. I think that's about it about my life

  4. Hm. So I forgot that the blog was with Google and not my regular email (sorry gals!) Buuuut yeah, I'm dating a guy! He's name is Alec (yes yes get the giggles out now), he's 5'5", half Japanese (go figure right?), and is an exercise physiology major. We've been dating for about 4.5 months and it's awesome (: I'm practically dating a male version of myself so that means burping contests always seem to be a draw (or he obliterates me). We're very childish in our shenanigans and our date nights but he means the world to me. He works at a sammich shoppe called Jimmy Johns so it's nice that there's role reversal so I can call him and say "make me a sammich (pleeease)!"
