Sunday, March 16, 2014

Elise Update 3/16/14



Hello pretty people. I'm making this more of a journal entry rather than starting a new thread. It's just a bit easier to update you all on multiple things at once!

Can I just say how much I hate class registration? It hasn't even started and i'm anxious. It's such a pain. I had a conversation with my advisor a couple of days ago, so my estimated graduation date is Spring 2016. Not too shabby.

To answer your question Sarah and Allison, I think i've narrowed down my study abroad options to Japan or Ireland. But of course I still want to study in about 12 other different places. Hopefully next spring, or my senior fall semester i'll be able to study abroad.

Spring Break was good, I worked for a few days, then sat on the couch for a few days. The relaxation was nice. I hope you all have fun plans for your breaks! I still don't know why ours was so early this year...

As for summer, I am officially working the U.S. Open again this year. 3 weeks in Pinehurst, North Carolina with minimal sleep. I loved the experience from last year though. Plus, my boss just hired a guy who will be there with us for a majority of the time and he IS SO HOT. Recent graduate from Boston University, and eyes like the afternoon sky. I can dig it. I can't go back to camp this year though because the Open is so long. So i'll probably be working a minimum wage job for the rest of the summer. Probably the dreaded Glory Days. If you're around, come visit!! And then hopefully i'll be able to do a little vacation time. I'm taking my mom to New York for a couple days as a late birthday present, and we might do a week at the beach. Or as I like to call, 50 Shades of Red.

Speaking of sunburn, I look like a tomato after yesterday's rugby game. Rugby is a bit of a struggle this semester. We've had about 95% of our games and practices cancelled this past month because of the snow, but we finally had a good Saturday. 65, sunny, and you can tell because of my cheeks. I scored TWICE in our game yesterday! That's such a big deal because 1. i've never scored before, 2. forwards (my position) don't score that often. My coach finally played me in a position I had been asking to play for over a month, and i'm very happy he did. I did fall on my face though...but, after a nap and a few beers, I felt fine.

My depression is getting better. I don't know if i've officially told you all that I have been suffering from depression for the past couple of years. I'll have small episodes for a couple of weeks at a time, but it seems to be getting better. I've been trying to go out more, ask for help when I need it, and it always helps when stressful things get sorted. My biggest stressor for the past month or so, is finding a place to live next year, but that's finally cleared up. WOO! I also had IHOP this morning, and a happy tummy is a happy Elise.

Miss you and love you all! Hope your spring break was fabulous and I hope I can see you all sometime this summer! XOXO

1 comment:

  1. Stream of Consciousness: Go to Ireland, and take me with you!! But also, Japan would be amazing! Afternoon sky eyes dude - Need Photos. I'll tell my parents to come visit you at Glory Days :P I wish I had the lady-balls to play Rugby... or any sport really. I'm still working on asking for help. never been able to do it.
