Sunday, March 16, 2014

Elise Update 3/16/14



Hello pretty people. I'm making this more of a journal entry rather than starting a new thread. It's just a bit easier to update you all on multiple things at once!

Can I just say how much I hate class registration? It hasn't even started and i'm anxious. It's such a pain. I had a conversation with my advisor a couple of days ago, so my estimated graduation date is Spring 2016. Not too shabby.

To answer your question Sarah and Allison, I think i've narrowed down my study abroad options to Japan or Ireland. But of course I still want to study in about 12 other different places. Hopefully next spring, or my senior fall semester i'll be able to study abroad.

Spring Break was good, I worked for a few days, then sat on the couch for a few days. The relaxation was nice. I hope you all have fun plans for your breaks! I still don't know why ours was so early this year...

As for summer, I am officially working the U.S. Open again this year. 3 weeks in Pinehurst, North Carolina with minimal sleep. I loved the experience from last year though. Plus, my boss just hired a guy who will be there with us for a majority of the time and he IS SO HOT. Recent graduate from Boston University, and eyes like the afternoon sky. I can dig it. I can't go back to camp this year though because the Open is so long. So i'll probably be working a minimum wage job for the rest of the summer. Probably the dreaded Glory Days. If you're around, come visit!! And then hopefully i'll be able to do a little vacation time. I'm taking my mom to New York for a couple days as a late birthday present, and we might do a week at the beach. Or as I like to call, 50 Shades of Red.

Speaking of sunburn, I look like a tomato after yesterday's rugby game. Rugby is a bit of a struggle this semester. We've had about 95% of our games and practices cancelled this past month because of the snow, but we finally had a good Saturday. 65, sunny, and you can tell because of my cheeks. I scored TWICE in our game yesterday! That's such a big deal because 1. i've never scored before, 2. forwards (my position) don't score that often. My coach finally played me in a position I had been asking to play for over a month, and i'm very happy he did. I did fall on my face though...but, after a nap and a few beers, I felt fine.

My depression is getting better. I don't know if i've officially told you all that I have been suffering from depression for the past couple of years. I'll have small episodes for a couple of weeks at a time, but it seems to be getting better. I've been trying to go out more, ask for help when I need it, and it always helps when stressful things get sorted. My biggest stressor for the past month or so, is finding a place to live next year, but that's finally cleared up. WOO! I also had IHOP this morning, and a happy tummy is a happy Elise.

Miss you and love you all! Hope your spring break was fabulous and I hope I can see you all sometime this summer! XOXO

Sunday, March 9, 2014

CNA Exam

I PASSED! I am a Certified Nursing Assistant!

I can start looking for jobs in my field!! I'm so excited!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Significant others?

Just wondering about y'alls relationships, almost-relationships, prospective suitors?

I almost got back together with this guy I've been dating off and on since Freshman year this summer, but nada.  And I may have a possible suitor, but I'm not sure. And even if he does have feelings for me, I'm not sure if I return those feelings or not, and I don't want to risk ruining our friendship. bleh.

So close to giving up on dating until I'm done with all of my schooling.

Give me the dirt!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Let's start at the very beginning!
How is everyone doing? What is the current path of study and/or where are you in terms of graduation, and how has the year been going so far? What kinds of things are you doing for extra-curriculars? And most importantly, WHY HAVEN'T WE STARTED THIS UNTIL NOW?
Love you all, and can't wait to start keeping in touch more <3